Clemens Appl is Head of the Center for Intellectual Property, Media and Innovation Law at the Danube-University Krems in Austria. He is a full professor for International, European and Austrian Copyright Law. He has extensive expertise in the fields of intellectual property and technology law, especially with regard to standardization, software and open innovation. Furthermore he does research in the fields of data protection law, trade secrets and competition law. Clemens Appl authored a number of publications in these fields. He is chairman of FTR – Research Association for Law and Technology (Austria) and board member of the Research Association INFOLAW (Austria). Appl is co-organizer of the Austrian IP-DAY (www.ip-day.at), the Österreichischer IT-Rechtstag (Austrian IT-Law Day) and the Forum Wettbewerbsrecht (Forum Competion law). In addition to his teaching and research activities at the Danube-University Krems he is frequently invited to give expert presentations in the fields of intellectual property and competition law. He has been principal investigator of an extensive research project dealing with a balanced prosumer-orientied copyright system (www.u-g-c.at). Appl presently leads a citizen science project on participatory policymaking in the field of copyright.