Sandra Marco Colino specializes in competition law, tort, EU law, contract law, commercial law, communications law, technology law, the regulation of gambling and gender issues. She joined the Faculty in 2010 and is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development (CFRED). In July 2015, Prof. Marco Colino was appointed Non-Governmental Advisor (NGA) to the International Competition Network, and in September 2016 she joined the Academic Board of the law firm Dictum Abogados (Hong Kong office). She has been the director of the Summer Schools on EU Competition Law for Asian Officials at the College of Europe in Bruges since 2017. Prior to moving to Hong Kong, she was a Lecturer in EU and Competition Law at the University of Glasgow (UK). She holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) and an LLM from the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid (Spain).
A qualified lawyer in Spain and a member of the Madrid Bar, Prof. Marco Colino has worked as stagiaire at the European Commission (Belgium) and the law firm ‘Miguel Cid y Asociados’ (Spain). She has been a Visiting Scholar at UW-Madison (USA), UC Berkeley (USA), the University of Melbourne (Australia) and the University of Birmingham (UK). She is a member of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA), a Fellow of the Transatlantic Technology Law Forum of Stanford University (USA), and an Associate Researcher at the Institute for European Studies in Madrid. In 2010 she founded the Communications Policy and Regulation Scholars Forum (CPRSF). She is the Managing Editor of the China Antitrust Law Journal, and since 2011 she has acted as Hong Kong news correspondent to the European Competition Law Review, and an analyst for Agenda Pública.
Prof. Marco Colino’s award-winning research has been extensively published in leading peer-reviewed journals. She is also the author of various books, including the leading competition law textbook Competition Law of the EU and UK (Oxford University Press), now in its 8th edition, and the monograph Vertical Agreements and Competition Law (Hart). She has obtained substantial research funding from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong for 3 major projects of which she is Principal Investigator: ‘Enhancing Cartel Detection and Deterrence in Hong Kong and China’ (397,500 HKD General Research Fund, 2019-2022), ‘Enhancing Innovation and Competition in Hong Kong’s Telecommunications Industry’ (379,000 HKD, Public Policy Research Scheme, 2013-2017), and ‘Challenges for the Regulation of Communications in the 21st Century’ (106,600 HKD, PROCORE France / Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, 2011-12). She has further secured two Direct Grants (CUHK) of 56,750 HKD (2018) and 37,000 (2011). Her collaborative research on ‘The Fight Against Hardcore Cartels in Spain’ was awarded 24,000 EUR by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and a second phase of the project was awarded a further 25,000 EUR. She is a member of two EU-funded Jean Monnet research networks: European Union at the Crossroads of Legal Order (EUCROSS) and the EU-China Comparative Experiences and Contributions in the Fields of Climate Change, Trade and Competition. She was the Faculty’s representative in the project ‘European Union Academic Programme in Hong Kong’, a collaboration between four of the city’s leading universities from 2012 until 2016. It was co-funded by the European Union and awarded a sum of 950,000 EUR.
Prof. Marco Colino’s honours and recognitions include an Antitrust Writing Award (2018) for her co-authored paper ‘The Lundbeck Case and the Concept of Potential Competition’ (Concurrences Review), an award for for best paper and presentation from Georgetown University’s Center for German and European Studies (2014), and a Teaching Excellence Award (2017).