Prof. Robin HUANG

Professor, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Robin Hui HUANG is Professor of Law in the Faculty of Law Chinese University of Hong Kong (at an advanced pay level), having previously served as Execcutive Director of Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development and Assistance Dean (External Affairs-Asia). Prior to joining CUHK, Professor Huang was a tenured staff member in the Faculty of Law at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), where he now holds a position of Adjunct Professor. He is also Li Ka Shing Visiting Professor in McGill Law School, Adjunct Professor at China University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, as well as visiting scholars at Harvard Law School, Michigan Law School, Oxford Law School and Cambridge Law School. He received two bachelor degrees – in mechanical engineering and in law – and a Masters degree in law, from Tsinghua University in Beijing China, graduating first in his class, and a PhD from the Faculty of Law, UNSW.

Professor Huang is a leading expert in the field of corporate law, securities regulation, financial law, commercial dispute resolution, and foreign investment, with a particular focus on Chinese and comparative law issues. He has written extensively in his areas of expertise, with articles published in some of the top-rated journals in the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, Hong Kong, Mainland China, and elsewhere (some of his work is available for download at . These include leading comparative law journals such as the American Journal of Comparative Law (US), leading international arbitration journals such as Arbitration International (UK), leading specialist journals in various jurisdictions such as the Delaware Journal of Corporate Law (US), Securities Regulation Law Journal (US), Journal of Corporate Law Studies (UK), Journal of Business Law (UK), Company and Securities Law Journal (Australia), Australian Journal of Corporate Law (Australia), Banking and Finance Law Review (Canada), European Business Organization Law Review (Germany); and well-regarded generalist journals such as University of New South Wales Law Journal (Australia), Theoretical Inquiries in Law (Israel), Hong Kong Law Journal, Chinese Journal of Law [法学研究], China Legal Science [中国法学]Peking University Law Journal [中外法学]Tsinghua Law Review [清华法学]. He has also published numerous books and book chapters with reputable publishers such as the Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Kluwer Law International, Routledge, Peking University Press and Tsinghua University Press, including Securities and Capital Markets Law in China (Oxford University Press, 2014) and Comparative Corporate Law: International Experiences and Suggestions for China (Tsinghua University Press, 2011).

Professor Huang’s research has high impact locally and internationally, having informed judicial decisions (e.g., cited with approval by the High Court of the Republic of Singapore) as well as regulatory and legislative activities. He is an specially invited expert of the Supreme People’s Court of the PRC, China Banking Law Society, and an elected member of the Executive Council of China Commercial Law Society. He has been invited to deliver internal seminars to the National People’s Congress of the PRC, regulators and couts (e.g, Qianhai Free Trade Zone Court), as well as public lectures, presentations and keynote speeches at regional and international venues. He has received many awards in recognition of his excellence of research, as well as support by various research grant bodies such as Australian Research Council and Hong Kong Research Grant Council.  He also serves on the editorial board of reputable law journals such as Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Asian Journal of Law and Society.

Professor Huang is a qualified Chinese lawyer and has served as an expert consultant to international organizations (e.g. the World Bank), government agencies (e.g. Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission), and professional bodies (e.g. Hong Kong Securities Institute). He has also been engaged as expert witness in local and international litigations, arbitrations and regulatory enforcement actions. Professor Huang is a designated arbitrator for the South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration) and Kuala Lumpur Regional Centre for Arbitration (KLRCA). He also serves as Independent Non-executive Director of China Travel International Investment Hong Kong Limited, which is listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.

Mr. Philipp HOMAR

Senior Scientist, Danube-University Krems

Philipp Homar studied Law (University of Vienna) and Theatre-, Film and Media Studies (University of Vienna). After completing his studies, he joined the IT|IP Law Group of the Vienna University of Economics and Business, where he was working as a Teaching and Research Associate. In 2018, Philipp Homar joined the Danube-University Krems, where he is currently working as Senior Scientist. In 2019, he co-founded the Center of IP, Media and Innovation Law. His primary fields of research are copyright and media law and he is currently finishing his dissertation on remuneration rights in copyright law. Philipp Homar is involved in several third-party funded research projects and is the author of several publications on copyright law and regularly speaking at national and international conferences.

Prof. Tianxiang HE

Assistant Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong

Prof. Tianxiang He (China P. R. 1984) is Assistant Professor at the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. Dr. He holds an LL.B. degree (Huaqiao University, China, 2007) and a Master degree in International Law (Jinan University, China, 2009). Dr. He received his degree of Ph.D. in IP law at Maastricht University (the Netherlands, 2016), where he was Researcher at the Department of International and European Law, and Ph.D. Fellow at Institute for Globalization and International Regulation (IGIR), and another Ph.D. degree in Criminal Law at Renmin University of China (2017).

From August 2012 to July 2013, Dr. He worked in the Research Center of for the Legal Systems of Intellectual Property of Waseda University as a visiting researcher. In Europe, the Ius Commune Research School conferred to him an Honorable Mention in the Ius Commune Prize 2014.

As of 1st August 2016, Dr. He is working as Assistant Professor in School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. Dr. He is also acting as an External Fellow in IGIR, Maastricht University. He is also serving as reviewer of Journals such as Asia Pacific Law Review, Hong Kong Law Journal, and Computer Law & Security Review. Dr. He is the author of Copyright and Fan Productivity in China: A Cross-jurisdictional Perspective. Dr. He’s articles appeared in SSCI journals such as American Journal of Comparative Law, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A., and Computer Law & Security Review. 


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. Hargreaves joined the Faculty in July of 2013 following the completion of his doctorate in law at the University of Toronto, where his thesis considered the privacy and legal implications of widespread ‘geo-immersive’ surveillance – using new mapping technologies to record public space for commercial purposes.  It was supported by a major grant from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.  Prof. Hargreaves also holds a BCL from Oxford University, where he wrote a dissertation on the interaction between proposed privacy standards in APEC and European laws regulating the outward flow of personal data to non-European states.  He also holds a JD from Osgoode Hall Law School and a BA in politics & sociology from McGill University.

While completing his doctorate Prof. Hargreaves was an adjunct faculty member at Osgoode Hall Law School (teaching property law and information & privacy law). He has also worked as a policy advisor to the Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic and practiced law for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, in the constitutional law and policy branch.  His areas of research and teaching reflect this background, with a dual focus on information & privacy law and constitutional law & legal theory. Prof. Hargreaves welcomes discussions with LLB or JD students who are interested in writing independent research papers on those topics; prospective PhD students should, however, follow the established application procedures rather than contacting him directly with a proposal. Prof. Hargreaves won the Faculty’s Teaching Excellence award in 2017 and sits on the Board of Advisors of Teach for Hong Kong.

Prof. Wenwei GUAN

Associate Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong

LL.B. (Zhongshan University), LL.M. (Peking University), M.A. and Ph.D. (University of British Columbia). Associate Professor at the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. Research interests cover intellectual property, international trade, trade and investment in the PRC, and legal theory. Recent publications include a monograph “Intellectual Property Theory and Practice” (Springer 2014) and other peer reviewed articles in various journals such as World Trade Review, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Leiden Journal of International Law, Journal of International Economic Law, Journal of World Trade, Journal of East Asia and International Law, and Hong Kong Law Journal.

Prof. Sandra Marco COLINO

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sandra Marco Colino specializes in competition law, tort, EU law, contract law, commercial law, communications law, technology law, the regulation of gambling and gender issues. She joined the Faculty in 2010 and is the Deputy Director of the Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development (CFRED). In July 2015, Prof. Marco Colino was appointed Non-Governmental Advisor (NGA) to the International Competition Network, and in September 2016 she joined the Academic Board of the law firm Dictum Abogados (Hong Kong office). She has been the director of the Summer Schools on EU Competition Law for Asian Officials at the College of Europe in Bruges since 2017. Prior to moving to Hong Kong, she was a Lecturer in EU and Competition Law at the University of Glasgow (UK). She holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence (Italy) and an LLM from the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid (Spain).

A qualified lawyer in Spain and a member of the Madrid Bar, Prof. Marco Colino has worked as stagiaire at the European Commission (Belgium) and the law firm ‘Miguel Cid y Asociados’ (Spain). She has been a Visiting Scholar at UW-Madison (USA), UC Berkeley (USA), the University of Melbourne (Australia) and the University of Birmingham (UK). She is a member of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA), a Fellow of the Transatlantic Technology Law Forum of Stanford University (USA), and an Associate Researcher at the Institute for European Studies in Madrid. In 2010 she founded the Communications Policy and Regulation Scholars Forum (CPRSF). She is the Managing Editor of the China Antitrust Law Journal, and since 2011 she has acted as Hong Kong news correspondent to the European Competition Law Review, and an analyst for Agenda Pública.

Prof. Marco Colino’s award-winning research has been extensively published in leading peer-reviewed journals. She is also the author of various books, including the leading competition law textbook Competition Law of the EU and UK (Oxford University Press), now in its 8th edition, and the monograph Vertical Agreements and Competition Law (Hart). She has obtained substantial research funding from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong for 3 major projects of which she is Principal Investigator: ‘Enhancing Cartel Detection and Deterrence in Hong Kong and China’ (397,500 HKD General Research Fund, 2019-2022), ‘Enhancing Innovation and Competition in Hong Kong’s Telecommunications Industry’ (379,000 HKD, Public Policy Research Scheme, 2013-2017), and ‘Challenges for the Regulation of Communications in the 21st Century’ (106,600 HKD, PROCORE France / Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, 2011-12). She has further secured two Direct Grants (CUHK) of 56,750 HKD (2018) and 37,000 (2011). Her collaborative research on ‘The Fight Against Hardcore Cartels in Spain’ was awarded 24,000 EUR by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and a second phase of the project was awarded a further 25,000 EUR. She is a member of two EU-funded Jean Monnet research networks: European Union at the Crossroads of Legal Order (EUCROSS) and the EU-China Comparative Experiences and Contributions in the Fields of Climate Change, Trade and Competition. She was the Faculty’s representative in the project ‘European Union Academic Programme in Hong Kong’, a collaboration between four of the city’s leading universities from 2012 until 2016. It was co-funded by the European Union and awarded a sum of 950,000 EUR.

Prof. Marco Colino’s honours and recognitions include an Antitrust Writing Award (2018) for her co-authored paper ‘The Lundbeck Case and the Concept of Potential Competition’ (Concurrences Review), an award for for best paper and presentation from Georgetown University’s Center for German and European Studies (2014), and a Teaching Excellence Award (2017).

Ms. Songyin BO

PhD Student, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Ms. Songyin BO is currently a PhD student in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Law. Her doctoral research concerns the online dispute resolution mechanisms of e-commerce platforms in China. Before joining CUHK, Ms. BO practiced law in both U.S. and China, focused mainly on civil litigation, M&A, IPO, etc.

Prof. Clemens APPL

Professor & Head of the Center for Intellectual Property, Media and Innovation Law, Danube-University Krems

Clemens Appl is Head of the Center for Intellectual Property, Media and Innovation Law at the Danube-University Krems in Austria. He is a full professor for International, European and Austrian Copyright Law. He has extensive expertise in the fields of intellectual property and technology law, especially with regard to standardization, software and open innovation. Furthermore he does research in the fields of data protection law, trade secrets and competition law. Clemens Appl authored a number of publications in these fields. He is chairman of FTR – Research Association for Law and Technology (Austria) and board member of the Research Association INFOLAW (Austria). Appl is co-organizer of the Austrian IP-DAY (, the Österreichischer IT-Rechtstag (Austrian IT-Law Day) and the Forum Wettbewerbsrecht (Forum Competion law). In addition to his teaching and research activities at the Danube-University Krems he is frequently invited to give expert presentations in the fields of intellectual property and competition law. He has been principal investigator of an extensive research project dealing with a balanced prosumer-orientied copyright system ( Appl presently leads a citizen science project on participatory policymaking in the field of copyright.