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Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Dongmin Chen is the Executive Director of the Guangdong Songshan Lake Materials Lab.  He is an Emeritus Professor at the Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, and a co-director of the Center for Emerging Technology Industry Innovation Research, at Peking University.  He was the former Director of the Office of Science and Technology Development at Peking University, which oversees university-industrial partnership, university technology licensing, spin-offs, and University Entrepreneurship Education Program.  Prof. Chen was a former advisor of WIPO Global Innovation Index.  He is also an advisor in innovative economic development of a number of municipal governments in China.

Dr. Chen is a serial entrepreneur and has co-founded two silicon-valley-startups,raised more than 100M USD from top VC firms.  He is a partner of Light Capital, an early-stage venture fund.  He co-authored more than 100 scientific publications and 150 US and international patents.  Dr. Chen is an advisor and a former Associated Editor for the Journal of Applied Physics.

Matthias Leistner is Professor of Private Law and Intellectual Property Law, with Information and IT-Law (German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR) Chair) at Ludwig Maximilian Unversity (LMU) Munich. He studied law in Berlin, Brussels, Munich and Cambridge. Ph.D.-studies at the Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law Munich; Dr. iur. (s.c.l.), LMU Munich 1999. Master of Law (LL.M.), Trinity Hall College, University of Cambridge 2004. Habilitation (Post-doc thesis), LMU Munich 2006.

Matthias Leistner was Head of the Commonwealth Unit at the Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Munich. From 2007-2016 he was Professor of Civil Law, Intellectual Property Law and Competition Law and Director of the Institute for Commercial and Economic Law at the University of Bonn. Apart from his Chair at LMU Munich, at present, he is a Member of the Faculty of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC), and was a guest professor for European Intellectual Property Law at the University of Xiamen, China, and at the Tongji University, Shanghai. He was a Short Term International Visiting Professor at Columbia Law School, New York City, in the Spring Term 2020 and a Visiting Scholar at the Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy at NYU Law School in the Spring Term 2023.

His specialties are intellectual property law (in particular copyright and patents), unfair competition law, internet law and data law. He has published seven books and numerous articles in these fields and has been consulted on IP matters by various government departments and non-governmental organisations as well as international institutions, such as the EU parliament and other. He has acted as an IP and civil law expert before various courts in Germany, England, the U.S. and Asia, including the German Federal Constitutional Court, the German Federal Court of Justice as well as the High Court of England and Wales. He is editor of the leading German IP journal Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR) as well as a member of the Editorial Board of GRUR-Patent, co-editor of a commentary on German unfair competition law (Grosskommentar UWG, Berlin 2013), and the standard commentary on German copyright law (Schricker/Loewenheim/Leistner/Ohly, Urheberrecht, 6th edition 2020).

Wen Jung Li is the Vice-President (Talent and International Strategy) and Chair Professor (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering) at the City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK). Prior to joining CityUHK in 2011, he was with the Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) from 1997 to 2011, where he also served as the Director of the Centre for Micro and Nano Systems. Prof. Li’s academic honors include being elected as an IEEE Fellow, ASME Fellow, and AIAA (Asia-Pacific AI Association) Fellow, as well as being recognized as a “100 Talents” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He served as the President of the IEEE Nanotechnology Council in 2016/2017 and as the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Open Journal on Nanotechnology (2019-2022) and the IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine (2007-2013).

Prof. Li was educated at USC and UCLA (received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Aerospace Engineering), and held R&D roles at NASA/Caltech JPL, The Aerospace Corporation, and Silicon Microstructures Inc. before coming to Hong Kong in 1997. His research group has published over 430 papers, 2 books, and 5 book chapters related to MEMS, nanotechnology, and robotics. His work has been published in prestigious journals, including Nature Communications, Science Advances, Nature Methods, Nature Machine Intelligence, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Science, IEEE Internet of Things J., etc., and earned numerous prestigious IEEE conference prizes.

Prof. Li has led over 40 research projects as PI and 15 as Co-I, holding 22 (US/China/World) patents with 6 more pending. He has supported students in founding 4 start-ups and these companies have won awards such as the “Gold Medal at the Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED)” (2021), “Best Innovative Technology Project Award” from China Hi-Tech Fair (2020), “Most Promising Start-up Technology Enterprise Award” from China Hi-Tech Fair (2019), “Gold Award of the 2018 World IoT Expo”, and the “Grand Award of the 14th HKEIA Award for Outstanding Innovation and Technology Products” (2013). These companies’ businesses now cover more than 50 countries/regions, and serve more than 5,000 customers.

Prof. Li has been very active in organizing major IEEE international conferences world-wide as a general chair and program chair. He has also served the local professional community in various capacities, including as a member on the Engineering Panel (HK RGC), Chairman of the Executive Committee of the HK Sustainable Campus Consortium, advisor to the Transport Department’s Committee on Application of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies, and a member on the Panel of Experts of the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks.  Prof. Li has also held affiliated, adjunct, or guest professorships at several universities, including the University of Toronto, Peking University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Xiamen University, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Northeastern University, and the Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Professor Fugee Tsung is a globally recognized expert in industrial analytics and quality engineering, listed among the top 2% of most influential scientists worldwide by Stanford-Elsevier Mendeley Data 2023. As a Chair Professor at HKUST and HKUST(GZ), he directs the Industrial  and Intelligence Institute (Triple-I Institute) and the Quality and Data Analytics Lab (QLab). He has held prominent positions such as Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Quality Technology (JQT), Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics at HKUST, and founding acting Dean of the Information Hub at HKUST(GZ). A fellow of esteemed organizations like ASA, ASQ, IISE, IAQ, and HKIE, Prof. Tsung has an extensive publication record and has mentored many successful doctoral students. He holds a Ph.D. and an MSc from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Speakers / Moderators:

Mr. Ai recently retired as Head of Innovation at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Previously, he was Chief Innovation Officer at the University of Hawaii System, while serving as chairman of the International Strategy Committee at the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) from 2017 to 2019. Prior to Hawaii, he was Director of Knowledge Transfer at the City University of Hong Kong (2014-2018). Earlier, he also worked for Stanford’s Office of Technology Licensing for six years. In the private sector, Mr. Ai was Chief Advisor at Hitachi Corporate VC (2001-2006); he has also cofounded an award-winning e-healthcare business in Beijing and a joint venture cancer center in Shanghai. During the 1990s, he was Corporate VP at Varian Medical (NYSE:VAR), VP of Marketing at Cirque Corporation (acquired by ALPS of Japan) and a Project Manager at Hewlett-Packard. Mr. Ai received a B.S. in psychology from National Taiwan University, an M.S. in computer science from Indiana University, an M.B.A. from Stanford University, and a  J.D. from Santa Clara University. He is a registered patent attorney in California.

Dr. Albert Wai‐Kit Chan is the Partner of the Law Offices of Albert Wai‐Kit Chan, PLLC, practicing in all areas of intellectual property law (including patents, trademarks, copyrights, business transactions, litigation, licensing, technology transfer, evaluation, and trade secrets) and specializing in biotechnology. He works extensively with clients ranging from individual inventors to well‐established prestigious research institutes in the U.S., China, and abroad. Dr. Chan is founder and director of the United States‐China Intellectual Property Institute, Inc., a non‐profit organization. Dr. Chan is a registered foreign lawyer in Hong Kong, where he also heads Albert Wai‐Kit Chan Intellectual Property Limited.

Dr. Chan graduated summa cum laude from the University of Houston, TX with a B.Sc. in Biology. After receiving his Ph.D. degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, he focused his research in Neuroscience and has become an expert in the molecular mechanism underlying learning and memory as well as behavioral science. Dr. Chan has published seminal papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and the most definitive reference work in the field. In 2008, Dr. Chan joined GSK R&D (China) as Principal Scientist and headed the animal behavior unit, and later the preclinical neuroimaging platform for their drug discovery programs targeting neurodegenerative diseases. Recognizing the inadequacy of the current methodology and technology in animal research, he cofounded and has been the CEO of CASCUBE Limited since 2013 at the Hong Kong Science Park to develop a game-changing behavioral system to provide solutions for monitoring laboratory animals for the drug and biomedical industry. His company has garnered a number of recognitions, including the 2017 ACKM Nobel Laureate Series – Excellence in Technology Award. Dr. Chan has served as advisory board advisor and steering committee member for multiple biotechnology companies and start-ups.

Keith Chan, Ph.D.


Current Position

Board Director/Senior Advisor: Cornerstone Intellectual Property Foundation, Taiwan

Executive Supervisor: Licensing Executives Society Chinese Taipei (LESCT), Taiwan and International

Board Director/Vice President (IP/RA): Novascope Diagnostics Inc., TW, Novascope Biochip Inc., USA

Co-Founder/Sr. Partner: Bright Spot Capital, CN/TW/HK/USA

Board Director/Advisor, Novelwise Pharmaceutical Corp.; Chairman, Novelwise (USA) Pharm Corp.

Director of Regulatory and Strategy – CytoArm Co., Ltd., Taiwan

Board Director/Advisor: TRUST Bio-Sonics, Inc., Taiwan

Scientific Advisory Board: Aptorum Group Ltd., HK/UK/US/Paris

Advisor/Consultant: Immunwork Inc. Taiwan and T-E Pharma Holding, Cayman Island

Advisor/Consultant: Everfront Biotech Inc., TW/BVI

Dr. Chan’s recent efforts are devoted to teaching and assisting Local Start-Up Companies to develop their Local Technology targeted for the World Market.  His most recent recognizable accomplishments are that 3 of his consulted Taiwanese Start-Up Companies were selected to showcase their achievements alongside 47 Global Startups and pitch their business plan to the world-renowned investors, and collaborators in the Start-Up Stadium program at the 2024 BIO International Conference in San Diego.


B.S. Pharmacy at Kaohsiung Medical College, TW; M.S. Pharmaceutical Sciences at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND; and Ph.D. Pharmaceutics at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Previous Professional Experience (Brief):


Professor at Graduate Institute of Intellectual Property, National Chengchi University, Taiwan,

Professor at School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Associate Professor at College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Visiting Professor at various universities in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China

Industrial R&D Experience (Sr. Scientist/Group Leader/Section Head/Manager)

Ciba-Geigy (Novartis) [Drug Metabolism and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Bio-analytics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Research Support and Clinical Pharmacology]

Regulatory Experience (Various)

Director: Division of Bioequivalence, Office of Generic Drugs, US FDA, Rockville, Maryland

Advisor/External Expert Reviewer: National Institute of Drug Abuse, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland; Advisor: National Laboratories of Foods and Drugs/Bureau of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Center for Drug Evaluation, Taiwan, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan

Advisor: Pharmaceutical Industry Technology Development Center, BMEC/Industrial Technology Research Institute, and Development Center of Biotechnology, Taiwan

Business/Executive Management Experience (Various)

Co-Founder and Sr. Vice President: GloboMax LLC (Acquired by ICON plc in 9/03); GloboMax Holdings LLC, GloboMax Foundation, GloboMax Europe, GloboMax Americas

Executive Direct and various positions at the American Chinese Pharmaceutical Association (ACPA)

Honor:                        Fellow (1995), American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)

Publications:              70+ peer-reviewed journal publications, 6 editorial comments/video shows, 100+ abstracts, and 230+ invited professional presentations

Dr. Cheng is currently the Senior Programme Director and Principal Lecturer at the ICB of University of Hong Kong, where he is involved in the curriculum and teaching of the Stream of Innovation Management. Dr. Cheng has over 20 years of marketing and management experience with NXP, a world-renowned semiconductor technology company, mainly in the Greater China region, including Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and major cities in Taiwan. He has worked in the areas of marketing strategy, channel management and corporate account management.

Dr Cheng is experienced in developing new markets and marketing strategies. In terms of teaching, Dr. Cheng has over 10 years of teaching experience. He has taught a variety of courses in China and Hong Kong and has a strong passion for teaching, including courses in marketing, leadership, product innovation management, research methodology, project management, consumer behaviour, Chinese business models, corporate governance and social responsibility, brand channel management and strategic management. His latest research areas are ESG and corporate sustainability strategies and directions, equity structure design, equity incentives and risk management.

Dr Cheng has a diverse academic background, with a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the City University of Hong Kong, a Master’s degree in Marketing Management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and a Doctor of Business Administration from the University of Newcastle, Australia. His main areas of research are corporate governance and CSR sustainability strategies and directions. In addition, Dr Cheng holds a professional qualification as an ESG Planner from the International Institute for Sustainable Development, a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Marketing and an accredited professional marketer, a member of the Institute of Marketing, a registered marketer in UK, and a Certified Counsellor, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr Cheng’s excellent teaching style is well received by students and has been awarded twice the Outstanding Teacher Award of HKU SPACE 2019/20 and 2021/22.

Mr. Grover Cheung is the founder of Qi Diagnostics Limited which is developing a revolutionizing non-invasive diagnostic technology of “A breath analyzer to diagnose multiple diseases”. He and his team have developed patented medical-grade breath sensor technology and FDA-approved breathalyzer product in market. He also founded Groken Bioscience Limited, an integrated genomic sequencing and bioinformatics services provider to universities, research institutes and pharmaceutical companies. Mr. Grover Cheung obtained two master’s degrees in business management and biomedical science from Imperial College London and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. While he was the Regional Manager in BGI, he established the sales and marketing team for research sequencing service and clinical genomics service. He also leads the Bioinformatics Cloud Laboratory of BGI providing customised bioinformatics analysis to researchers and pharmaceutical companies in Asia. Under his leadership, the market share and sales revenue of BGI has increased significantly.

Mr. Peter Kam-Fai Cheung is Hong Kong’s former Director of Intellectual Property and Registrar of Patents, Designs & Trademarks.  As a World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Panelist, he settled two international disputes. He was the lead intellectual property negotiator in Hong Kong’s free-trade agreements.

Mr. Cheung’s academic qualifications include: BA, LLB, PCLL, LLM, LLM Int L and Harvard Kennedy School’s Senior Executive Fellows Program. He was twice invited to speak in Harvard’s Asia Business Conferences.

Mr. Cheung holds positions as Mediator and Arbitrator of WIPO; Panelist of Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre, Arbitrator of the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration; and Council Member of the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.

Mr. Ben Crox is the CEO of Hetaro Labs. He is currently the Solana Mandarin and Cantonese Market Ambassador and has been researching and lecturing Solana development courses since 2022. He is also a serial entrepreneur in telecom, IoT, and tech PR startups. Ben holds a B.Eng from CUHK and was a senior R.A. at CityU and a research scientist at Neurosky.

Prof. Fong obtained his LL. B & LL.M. degrees from National Taiwan University, College of Law.  He received his LL.M degree from University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1987 and J.D. degree from Cornell Law School in 1990.  After graduate from Cornell Law School, Prof. Fong practiced corporate law in a Philadelphia law firm, Stradley, Ronen, Stevens & Young, before he became a partner at a local law firm in Taiwan.  

Currently, Prof. Fong is serving as Emeritus Professor at National ChengChi University.  Before retirement, he served as the jointly-appointed professor at College of Business and College of Law at NCCU and in charge of Biopharmaceutical Section of NCCU’s EMBA program.  In addition academic work, Prof. Fong serves in various governmental agency committees, such as Legal Affairs Committee of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).  

Because of his diverse experience, Prof. Fong is also a prolific writer.  He has authored more than a dozen books and over 200 academic articles, plus over 300 non-academic newspaper and magazine articles. Prof. Fong specializes in areas such as corporate law, securities regulation, intellectual property law, intellectual property management and licensing law. Presently, Prof. Fong teaches at NCCU’s College of Law, College of Business, EMBA and DBA (Doctoral of Business Administration) program.

Ms. Patricia Fong is the Unit Head of Intellectual Property Management in the funding schemes division in Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). She manages the Intellectual Property (IP) team in implementing Patent Application Grant (PAG) and liaising with Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) for government funding projects. Ms. Fong is qualified solicitors in both Victoria, Australia and Hong Kong. She has over 10 years’ IP advisory experience for multidisciplinary business, including insurance, finance, real estate, automobile, medical, education, fashion, finance, computer and media industries. Before joining HKPC, Ms. Fong worked as the legal adviser of a leading technology-powered retail financial services group, in which Ms. Fong has been advising the group in respect of IP matters in their legal tech, fintech and health tech projects. Further, she was also a legal practitioner in a top-tier international law firm and had a wide-ranging practice covers IP prosecution, protection and management, enforcement, litigation and technology transfer.

Danny Friedmann is an Associate Professor of Law at Peking University School of Transnational Law. His research generally focuses on intellectual property and specifically on AI and copyright law, trademark law, geographical indications, patent law, and law and technology.

His articles are published by peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of World Intellectual Property, Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, European Intellectual Property Review, Benelux Trade Marks and Design Rights (BMM) Bulletin and GRUR Int., and Asia Pacific Law Review. His recent work was published in the student-reviewed journals IDEA and CWILJ. An article in NYU JIPEL is forthcoming.

In 2021, Danny was awarded by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) for co-editing and co-authoring ‘Wine Law and Policy: From National Terroirs to a Global Market.’ His monograph is titled “Trademarks and Social Media, Towards Algorithmic Justice” (Edward Elgar Publishing, September 2015). In 2014, the Research Committee of CUHK granted Danny the Postgraduate Research Output Award. His book chapter on Google and China was quoted by the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union in C-131/12 Google Spain in 2013.

He has taught at CUHK, where he completed his PhD in Laws, and also at City University of Hong Kong, and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He completed his LL.M. and LL.B. (Meester in de rechten) at the University of Amsterdam. Danny also holds a B.B.A. degree from Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen, the Netherlands.

Dr. Taorui Guan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Law, University of Hong Kong. His research work is primarily concentrated on the development of technology markets, legal reforms in response to emerging technologies, the interplay between intellectual property and finance, and China’s innovation system. He publishes his findings in both Chinese and English. From 2019-2020, he held the Thomas Edison Innovation Law and Policy Fellowship at the Center for Intellectual Property x Innovation Policy of George Mason University. He won the John M. Olin Prize in Law and Economics in 2021.

In the classroom, Dr. Guan instructs students on intellectual property and information technology, copyright law, and Chinese intellectual property law. He also acts as a tutor in a course that provides an introduction to Chinese law.

His academic credentials include an S.J.D. and an LL.M. from the University of Virginia School of Law. During his doctoral studies, he received the Chinese Government Doctoral Scholarship. He also earned an LL.M. in Intellectual Property Law from Renmin University of China, where he was named a Distinguished Graduate and was awarded a National Scholarship for Graduate Students. His initial degrees, a BA in Business English and an LL.B., were obtained from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, where he was the recipient of the National Scholarship for Undergraduate Students and the First Class Scholarship for two years running.

Having successfully passed the Chinese Judicial Examination, Dr. Guan is also a member of the New York State Bar. His professional affiliations include membership in the Chinese Law Society.

Dr. Jingjing He is an Associate Professor and Master’s Supervisor at the Institute of International Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She has gained a Master’s degree from the University of Bristol, UK, and a Ph.D. from the same institution. She has completed her post-doctoral research at the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and used to be a visiting PhD at the University of Cambridge. She has also been a visiting scholar at the University of Helsinki, Finland, and the University of Turin, Italy, as well as an Edwards Fellow at Columbia Law School, USA. She serves as the Deputy Head of the research team on “Research on Regulations for Data Compliance in the Health Industry” under the National Health Commission, as the leading legal expert for the first approved data export security assessment case approved by the Beijing Cyberspace Administration, as the Deputy Secretary-General of the Financial Technology Law Research Center, an expert member of the first advisory commission for the Beijing Financial Court, and an expert member of the Expert Committee of the Hangzhou Data Security Alliance. Her main research areas include international law, data compliance and AI related regulations. She has led several provincial and ministerial-level projects, including a major project funded by the National Social Science Fund, and has participated in multiple data governance research projects for the National Health Commission, the People’s Bank of China, and the Central Cyberspace Administration.

She has served as an Assistant Head of the Financial Street Court of the Beijing Xicheng District People’s Court, a Council Member of the User Council Committee of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, a Council Member of the China Arbitration Law Research Association, the Executive Deputy Director and Secretary-General of the Ad Hoc Arbitration Committee of the China Arbitration Law Research Association, and a Council Member of China Behavioral Law Society. She also serves as an arbitrator for various arbitration institutions, including China Maritime Arbitration Commission, Shenyang Arbitration Commission, Qingdao Arbitration Commission, Nanning Arbitration Commission, and Nantong Arbitration Commission.

Prof. Tianxiang He currently holds the position of Associate Professor at the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. A multi-faceted academic, Dr. He’s extensive educational background includes an LL.B. degree from Huaqiao University, China (2007), and a Master’s degree in International Law from Jinan University, China (2009). Furthering his studies, he accomplished two distinct Ph.D. degrees: one in IP Law from Maastricht University, the Netherlands (2016), and another in Criminal Law from Renmin University of China (2017).

From August 2012 to July 2013, Dr. He worked in the Research Center for the Legal Systems of Intellectual Property of Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan as a visiting researcher. In Europe, the Ius Commune Research School conferred to him an Honorable Mention in the Ius Commune Prize 2014.

From August 2016 to June 2023, Dr. He enhanced his pedagogical skills as an Assistant Professor at the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong. His dedication and academic prowess led to his promotion and substantiation to Associate Professor in July 2023. He also continues his affiliation with Maastricht University as an Associate Member of IGIR.

Dr. He is the accomplished author of the book Copyright and Fan Productivity in China: A Cross-jurisdictional Perspective (Springer), alongside numerous articles published in top-tier journals such as the American Journal of Comparative Law, Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property, Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A., Computer Law & Security Review, The University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy, Hong Kong Law Journal, and Asia Pacific Law Review.

Presently, Dr. He extends his expertise by serving on the editorial board of the Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (CJCL), published by the esteemed Oxford University Press.

Prof. K.K. Walter Ho is presently an Emeritus Professor of the School of Life Sciences and Consultant to the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)  Prof. Ho started his career in teaching and research at The University of Hong Kong and CUHK, with research interests in the structure and function of serum lipoproteins, opiate addiction and endorphins, cloning and expression of fish growth hormone gene and compounds from Chinese medicine having lipid lowering activities.   Key positions he held before retirement included Director of the Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services, CUHK, Managing Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology and the Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry, CUHK.   Other than his academic role, Prof. Ho also actively participated in the promotion of biotechnology in Hong Kong. From 1995 to 1999, he was a member of the Biotechnology Committee under the Hong Kong Government Industry Department. He is also a founding and council member of the Hong Kong Biotechnology Association.  In addition, he has organised a number of conferences and workshops on various topics related to the business of biotechnology. Prof. Ho is an honorary professor at the Guangzhou Medical University and the Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences in China. He has served as consultants to several biotechnology companies in Hong Kong. 

Prof. Ho obtained his undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and Economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1968 and Ph.D. in Biophysics in 1972.

Haifeng Huang is regularly called on to lead teams and advise clients on their complex disputes and intellectual property matters. He has a broad practice covering disputes and transactions involving patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, unfair competition, antitrust, and technology licenses. The WTR 1000 described him as “one of the country’s most seasoned litigators, with a history of representing large U.S. and Chinese concerns in high-stakes disputes.” Haifeng has advised clients on cases in many courts and agencies throughout China and elsewhere, as well as before multiple arbitration tribunals. These cases have involved a diverse range of industries, including software and systems, semiconductors, microelectronics, telecommunications, textiles, chemicals, optics, consumer products, heavy machinery, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and biotechnology. He also manages due diligence and transactions and negotiates agreements involving the acquisition, license, and commercialization of intellectual property assets, including R&D collaboration, sponsored research, joint development, clinical trials, cross-licensing, strategic alliance, manufacturing, distribution, consulting, and software services. Haifeng’s extensive experience has received significant recognition, including being named a “WIPR Leader” by World IP Review and selected as an “IP Star” by Managing Intellectual Property. He was also endorsed by peers and clients as a “strategic, very reliable and trustworthy” name and having a “top-notch IP practice” in China in Chambers Global (2020-2021).

Robert D. Katz has practiced intellectual property law for almost 40 years. His experience encompasses virtually every aspect of intellectual property law.  Mr. Katz has also represented both domestic and foreign client in business transactions.

Robert has been first chair in a large number of patent, trademark, copyright, unfair competition, and trade secret cases including jury trials, and has also handled arbitrations and mediations. He has obtained and opposed preliminary injunctions and briefed and argued appeals in State and Federal Courts. Robert has also handled patent interferences, reissues, IPR’s and Derivation proceedings, and reexamination proceedings as well as trademark oppositions and cancellations in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

In addition to his active litigation practice, he has counseled clients on patent and trademark validity and infringement issues, has negotiated and drafted numerous license agreements, and has prepared and prosecuted numerous patent applications in many different areas of technology. Those technologies emphasize inorganic and organic chemistry, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, but also include medical devices, materials science, polymer chemistry, nanotechnology, semiconductors, nuclear energy, and green technology.

Mr.Kwan has been in the industry for more than 20 years and has extensive experience in the Greater China region.

Prior to joining Odysseus Capital, Thomas was a Director with PwC Corporate Finance Hong Kong in charge of M&A and fund-raising activities within the region. Thomas’ expertise includes leading M&A transactions, both buy and sell-side, and fund raising projects and advisory services including deal origination, target identification, business strategy, structural and regulatory advice, and pricing and negotiation strategy.

Before joining PwC, Thomas was Vice President of OCBC Investment Banking Business based in Hong Kong responsible for IPO and M&A transactions. Prior to joining OCBC, Thomas was Senior Manager (Head of M&A Advisory, Southern China) of KPMG Corporate Finance. He was also Manager of Rabobank’s M&A team in Hong Kong and previously worked at McKinsey & Co’s Corporate Finance and Strategy practice.

Thomas graduated as a member of Beta, Gamma, Sigma of HKUST MBA program, and holds a BSc degree in Finance from the City University of Hong Kong. He holds a type 6 licence from the SFC in Hong Kong to advise on corporate finance transactions.

LLB,Peking University; LLM, Peking University; LLM,Chicago-Kent College of Law

  • Founding Partner of Long An Law Firm Shenzhen Office
  • Vice Chairman of Long An Development Council

Since commencing his practice in 1986, Mr. Xiangdong Lai has handled over a thousand cases involving various types of litigation, arbitration, and other non-litigation matters. These cases have covered fields such as banking, insurance, securities, IT, manufacturing, transportation, culture, and real estate. Some of his representing cases were awarded as Typical cases of the Year by Chinese Lawyer Association.

Mr. Xiangdong Lai is known for his experience and expertise in complex civil and commercial litigation and arbitration, and has been highly-recognized by a number of legal publications as an outstanding PRC arbitration lawyer.

Some of the notable clients Mr. Xiangdong Lai has worked with or is currently serving include Walmart, DuPont, Philips, Siemens, Decortpart, Ricoh, Foxconn, Ping An, CMB, Hiang Kie Pte Ltd., Venture Corporation Limited, Trans Elite Group Sdn Bhd, Ajanta Limited, and others.

Mr. Xiangdong Lai has served as Panel of Arbitrators of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), Shenzhen International Arbitration Court (SCIA), Beijing Arbitration Commission(BAC), Shanghai Arbitration Commission(SHAC), Guangzhou Arbitration Commission(GZAC), South China (Hong Kong) International Arbitration Centre (SCIAHK), China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC)

  • China Business Law Journal “The A-List 2020: Top 100 Lawyers in China”
  • 1,000 National Talent of Foreign-Related Lawyers, Ministry of Justice

Prof. Lam obtained his BSc and MPhil in Biology from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1985 and 1987, respectively. After receiving his Ph.D. degree in molecular biology from Northwestern University in the USA, he worked as a post‐doctoral fellow at New York University from 1992 to 1996. Prof. Lam is currently the Choh-Ming Li Professor of Life Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is concurrently the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), RGC-AoE Center for Genomic Studies on Plant-Environment Interaction for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security and Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability. Prof. Lam’s outstanding academic achievements have been recognized by several awards including Medal of Honour by HKSAR Government (2023), SingTao Leader of the Year Award (Education/Professions/Technology & Innovation) (2023), the Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Award 2016 (Science and Technology; Second Class) from the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, Research Excellence Award of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2005-2006; 2012-2013; 2019-2020); Second-Class Award for Science and Technology (Zhejiang Province, China) (2007); Second-Class Award for Scientific and Technological Achievements (Beijing, China) (2001). Professor Lam’s research focuses on climate-smart agriculture, plant and agrobiotechnology, and genomic studies on crop-environment interaction. He has published over 230 publications in premier scientific journals including Nature, Nature Genetics, Nature Communication, PNAS, Lancet, Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, Journal of Biological Chemistry, New Phytologist, Plant Cell & Environmental, and Journal of Experiment Botany, etc.

He has achieved high-impact scientific breakthroughs and the findings, tools, and data developed to contribute significantly to soybean research and breeding. Prof. Lam successfully combined advanced technologies with traditional wisdom to breed new stress-tolerant soybeans. Four stress-tolerant soybeans developed by Prof. Lam and his collaborators have been approved for field application in Northwest China. One forage soybean has also been developed in collaboration with breeders from Shanxi, and approved for application in Shanxi Province. Besides, to address global climate challenges through climate smart agriculture, Professor Lam is extending his research collaboration and initiated cultivation and breeding programs for soybean improvement in South Africa and Pakistan.

Timothy is a Senior Partner and Head of the Corporate and Commercial Practice at Longan & Lam LLP. He regularly acts for publicly listed companies in Hong Kong, United States, Australia, as well as private clients.

Timothy has extensive experience in dealing and setting up multi-jurisdictional corporate structures. His work often requires cross-border transactions involving the United States, Australia and China. 

Timothy obtained his Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy), Bachelor of Laws and Master of Strategic Public Relations at the University of Sydney. He also obtained a Master of Laws from the University of New South Wales, a Master of Industrial Property from the University of Technology Sydney, a Master of Applied Law (Commercial Litigation) from the College of Law Australia, a Master of Buddhist Studies and a Master of Buddhist Counselling from the University of Hong Kong. He also recently completed a Graduate Diploma in International Maritime Arbitration conducted by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, and a Professional Diploma in Private Wealth Management conducted by the Society of Trustee and Estate Practitioners. He is admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong, New South Wales, Australia and New Zealand (Non-practicing). Timothy is fluent in English and Cantonese.

Timothy is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors, a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP).

Mr. William C.W. Lam is the Founding Partner and Managing Partner of Long An & Lam LLP. He was admitted as a solicitor in Hong Kong, England and Wales since 1991. Mr. Lam is also a China-Appointed Attesting Officer appointed by the Ministry of Judiciary of China since 2003. Mr. Lam graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of London. He attended the University of Law in England before qualified in England and Wales. Throughout his career, Mr. Lam has gained experience working in international law firm and multinational company. His experience mainly concentrates on non-contentious legal works, including M&A, IPO, joint-venture, PE funds formation, corporate restructuring and commercial legal services. In recent years, Mr. Lam also practices wealth management, including setting up of private trusts, family office and wealth management scheme. Mr. Lam has served various committees of the Law Society of Hong Kong, including the Greater China Legal Affairs Committee, the Consents Committee, and the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal. He is currently the Honorable Vice President of the Asia International Intellectual Properties Society.

Before joining HKU, Dr. Rocky Law was the Director of Praxis Green Consulting Limited. Dr. Law provided advisory and coaching services to startup companies in the areas of IP protection, technology/product development strategy and marketing strategy. He also assisted startup companies in fund raising activities in the PRD region.

Dr. Law worked for a year as Computer Officer at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) before returning to Hong Kong to join Amoy Food Limited (subsidiary of Danone Group at that time) as Research Manager in 1996. He was responsible for all soy sauce related technical matters in Amoy, including development of new soy formulations and industrial processes, provision of technical advices to QA, QC, production, sales and marketing departments, and assisting business expansion team by screening M&A opportunities.

Dr. Law started to develop his career in the area of knowledge transfer after joining the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2001 as Development Manager in the Technology Transfer Center (TTC) with special responsibility for all life science related intellectual properties, particularly in the areas of traditional Chinese medicine, biotechnology, medical device, and pharmaceuticals….etc. He started to promote proactively entrepreneurship when he became the Associate Director of TTC in 2007. Dr. Law then gradually moved to the area of entrepreneurship and became the Director of Entrepreneurship Center in 2010. After working in HKUST for about 10 years, Dr. Law has obtained an extensive experience in knowledge transfer industry. Dr. Law is still actively involved in mentoring students and providing advices to startup companies from universities. 

Dr. Law is the founding members of the Hong Kong Food Safety Association (HKFSA), Hong Kong Medical and Healthcare Device Industries Association (HKMHDIA) and the Hong Kong Business Angel Network (HKBAN), and a member of professional associations, including Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association (MCMIA), Licensing Executives Society of China, Hong Kong Chapter (LES) and Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) in UK.

Dr. Law obtained his BSc degree in Chemical Engineering from the National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan in 1987, and his MSc and PhD degrees in Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), UK in 1990 and 1995 respectively. Dr. Law obtained his MBA degree by completing an EMBA course at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong in 2007.

Jyh-An Lee is Professor, Executive Director of the Centre for Legal Innovation and Digital Society, and Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Law at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor Lee holds a J.S.D. from Stanford Law School and an LL.M from Harvard Law School. He been featured on ABC News, BBC News, Bloomberg News, Financial Times, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, and South China Morning Post as an expert on intellectual property and internet law. His works have been cited by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, UK High Court of Justice, the US International Trade Commission, and the European Union (in a WTO dispute-settlement case).

Vincent has over 20 years’ experience in the Wealth Management industry and is currently the Executive Director of IABFM Asia. In his role, Vincent oversees the operation running of the business and the IABFM Asia and Greater China Executive team, whilst retaining responsibility for key client relationships.

In 2003, Vincent started the training and wealth management business with his resources in mainland China and Hongkong. He obtained authorised official training centre operation right from IABFM (International Academy of Business and Financial Management), a non- profit based training institute. He provided certified wealth management programs to major banks in mainland China, which includes China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China, Communication Bank of China and etc. He trained more than 30,000 wealth mangers, private bankers, insurance consultants and family business owners. He established a membership based supporting office to provide family offices and wealth management backend services to the HNWIs for setup of funds, trusts, and family offices from the members’ referrals.

Vincent has in-depth industry knowledge and excellence across a range of technical disciplines, to provide services in overseas funds, trusts and investment structures for Asian family businesses.

  • IABFM Greater China, Executive Director
  • Yozma Fund, Partner
  • 中關村京港澳青年創業創新中心平行基金負責人
Ms. Lecca is the CEO of the braintech Neurocia SAS based in France. Neurocia is developing a non-invasive brain stimulation medical device “NeuroPod” allowing stabilizing and stopping the progression of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Ms. Lecca is also a registered European & French patent attorney and registered to act before the Unitary Patent Court. Her practice focuses on all facets of patent practice. She has prepared and successfully prosecuted to issuance numerous biotechnology, chemistry and pharmaceutical patents. She can offer services on many legal issues relating to patentability, patent validity, opposition and infringement, licensing and business development. Ms. Lecca started her patent practice in patent law firms based in Manhattan New York, and later joined a French law firm in Paris. She also served within the patent departments of pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Being in house for many years in biotech and pharma industries, she has substantially contributed in developing IPRs portfolio in the fields of genomics, viral and non viral gene therapy, plasmid based protein expression, and recombinant proteins. The enclosed excerpt of filings only reflects several filings and prosecutions as conducted by Ms Lecca. Ms. Lecca is a member of several organizations including EPI (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office), CNCPI (Compagnie Nationale des Conseils).

Yahong Li is a graduate of Stanford Law School, holding the JSM and the JSD. Yahong Li is a graduate of Stanford Law School, holding the JSM and the JSD. She is an Associate Professor at Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong and an Honorary Professor in the China Academy of Sciences University.

She specialises in intellectual property (IP) law with a focus on the cross-disciplinary study of IP, culture and technological innovation. She is the author/editor of Patents and Innovation in Mainland China and Hong Kong: Two Systems in One Country Compared (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2017), China Chapter in International Copyright Law and Practice (LexisNexis, 2015 onward), Imitation to Innovation in China: The Role of Patents in Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industries (Edward Elgar, 2010), and International and Comparative Intellectual Property: Law, Policy and Practice (LexisNexis, 2005). She has published in the top-tier IP journals including International Review of IP and Competition, Law, Innovation and Technology, Queen Mary Journal of IP, Cardozo Arts and Entertainment Law Journal, Computer Law and Security Review, Journal of IP Law and Practice, European IP Review, and UPenn Journal of International Law. She was twice awarded the faculty research output prizes and was a recipient of the competitive Cambridge-HKU and Melbourne-HKU fellowships. She has been a visiting scholar at the Harvard Law School, Max Planck Institute of Innovation and Competition, Berkeley Law School, Peking University and Zhejiang University; and Visiting Professor at Santa Clara Law School, University of Salzburg, Peking-Shenzhen Transnational Law School, Singapore Management University, Jinan University, among others. She has spoken at over 100 international conferences, and delivered keynote, public and guest lectures at, inter alia, CREATe Center, WIPO IP Summer School, Law Society of Hong Kong and many universities in mainland China.

She is an Executive Committee Member of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), a Council Member of the China IP Law Association, an Honorary Advisor of the Hong Kong Institute of Patent Attorneys, and the Global Network Council Representative of the Hong Kong Creative Commons. She is a Principal Researcher for “Hong Kong Patent Landscape” project of Hong Kong Productivity Council, and an active member in the project of “IP Trading Centre” of Hong Kong Coalition. 

She has supervised 18 PhD students on various topics across copyright and patent laws. She teaches the courses of International and Comparative IP Law, IP, Innovation and Development, and Copyright and Creativity at both undergraduate and graduate levels.

Mr. Liang provides legal services for domestic and foreign companies concerning China and U.S. patent litigation, U.S. import/export compliance, antisanctions, technology control compliance, U.S. trade secret litigation, and technology transfer & cooperation. Mr. Liang builds a holistic understanding of legal issues through his rich experience in various U.S. and China law firms and companies. He set up the IP department of Geely Automobile upon its acquisition of Volvo car, acted as the sole IP attorney of Morgan Lewis & Bockius in China, and worked at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, covering the IP issues in Asia Pacific and Europe. Mr. Liang has designed the compliance frameworks for domestic STB listed companies and offered advice on various aspects of compliance, including federal procurement, FOCI disclosure, technology product control, and import and export of high-tech products. Mr. Liang is adept at designing the overall compliance scheme and the best compliance route for companies in accordance with their business logic. Mr. Liang also teaches the course “Innovation, Strategy, IP” at School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University .

Daryl Lim is the H. Laddie Montague Jr. Chair in Law at Penn State Dickinson Law. He is also the Associate Dean for Research and Innovation and Founding Director of the Intellectual Property (IP) Law and Innovation Initiative. At the university level, he is a co-hire at the Institute of Computational and Data Sciences and an affiliate at the Center for Socially Responsible Artificial Intelligence.

He is an award-winning author, observer, and commentator on IP and competition policy trends and how they influence and are influenced by law, technology, economics, and politics. He helps stakeholders understand the world around them. He consults internationally on various IP and antitrust issues. 

He is a founding member of the Global IP Alliance and its local chapters in Pennsylvania and Illinois. In addition, he serves as Co-Chair of the University Education Committee and on the Executive Committee of the US IP Alliance. In 2022, the American Law Institute elected Professor Lim to its membership based on demonstrated excellence and outstanding professional achievement. He serves on the Members Consultative Group of the Restatement of the Law, Copyright. In 2023, the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission recognized him as “a leading expert in antitrust law and economics.” The IAM Strategy 300, a guide to the industry pioneers with “exceptional skill sets, as well as profound insights into the development, creation and management of IP value,” named him to its World’s Leading IP Strategists 2023 list.  

He is under contract with Oxford University Press for a new book titled Infringement in Intellectual Property Law and is co-editor of Inclusive Innovation, Big Data, And Artificial Intelligence. His publications feature in leading flagship and specialty law reviews, including the Florida Law Review, the Emory Law Journal, the Stanford Technology Law Review, and the Berkley Technology Law Journal. Thomson Reuters (West) selected three of his articles as the best IP articles of the year in 2018, 2021, and 2022. He has also contributed to practitioner-focused publications for the American Bar Association, Law360, IPWatchdog, IP Watch, and IP Magazine. In addition, legal publications, specialty blogs such as Patently-O, and mainstream media sources such as Forbes, The Washington Post, Bloomberg, Slate, The Hill, The Daily Journal, RealClearPolicy, and USA Today featured his views on current legal developments. In addition, he serves as a peer reviewer for the Harvard Law Review, Yale Law Journal, Columbia Law Review, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (Oxford University Press), Cambridge University Press, John Wiley & Sons, Carolina Academic Press, Nature: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, and the International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law.

Michael is currently active in 4 NGOs seeking to make the world a better place and 2 companies, including his business consulting company, L and T Consulting.  Previously, he spent 13 years as a partner at Marks&Clerk, Hong Kong, leading M&C’s HK/China Chemical, Bio and Pharma Patent group handling international patent drafting, prosecution, and international due diligence, opinion work and client counseling in technical areas such as pharmaceuticals, material science, polymer chemistry, manufacturing, FMCG, computer systems, AI, etc. Michael also was a Patent Senior Counsel at Procter & Gamble Co., set up P&G’s Beijing Patent group and managed all Asian Patent matters for P&G’s laundry and cleaning products, as well as oral care and foods (2008-10).  Working for P&G in Beijing, China (2007-10), and Kobe, Japan from (1997-2007), Michael focused on holistic global IP strategies and Asian Patent matters related to licensing, patent drafting/filing, prosecution, due diligence/opinions, divestitures, mergers and acquisitions.  At P&G, Michael handled patent matters in Australia, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and other Asian countries. Michael Lin (B.A. Biochemistry, U.C Berkeley; J.D., Boston University) was such a terrible scientist that he had to become a lawyer.  Michael is an Ohio, U.S.A. Attorney and is a USPTO Patent Attorney.  Michael is an inventor, entrepreneur, mentor and a frequent speaker at law schools, business schools, and industry conferences.

Prof. Kung-Chung Liu studied law at the National Taiwan University where he received the degrees of Bachelor of Law and Master of Law. He later obtained his Doctor of Law degree from the Ludwig Maximilian Universität (University of Munich) Germany. Prof. Liu visited Singapore Management University between April 2014 and June 2015 and found the Applied Research Center for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia (ARCIALA). He joined SMU as Lee Kong Chian Professor of Law (Practice) in 2017 after he retired as research fellow from Institutum Iurisprudentiae,  Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Prof. Liu’s academic credential is widely recognized in Asia, as he is also co-appointed full faculty member of the Graduate Institute of Technology, Innovation & Intellectual Property Management, National Chengchi University (2010-), Taiwan, and Renmin University of China ( 2017-).  Prof. Liu has edited and co-edited 14 books with pioneering vision and thought leadership, such as:

  • Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Compulsory Licensing─ Practical Experiences and Ways Forward, Max Planck Asian Intellectual Property Law Series (Springer 2015)
  • Kung-Chung Liu/Uday S. Racherla (ed.), Innovation and IPR in China and India—Myth, Realities and Opportunities (Springer 2016)
  • Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), Remuneration of Copyright Owners–Regulatory Challenges of New Business Models (Springer 2017)
  • Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Annotated Leading Patent Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (City University of HK Press, 2017)
  • Kung-Chung Liu (ed.), Annotated Leading Copyright Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (City University of HK Press 2019),
  • Kung-Chung Liu, Annotated Leading Trademark Cases in Major Asian Jurisdictions (City University of HK 2019),
  • Kung-Chung Liu/Uday Racherla Innovation, Economic Development and IP in India and China— An Analysis of Six Industries (Springer 2019),
  • Kung-Chung Liu/Julian Chaisse, The Future of Asian Trade Deals and IP (Hart 2019)
  • Kung-Chung Liu/Reto Hilty (ed.), SEPs, SSOs and FRAND­Asian and Global Perspectives on Fostering Innovation in Interconnectivity (Routledge 2019)
  • Jyh-An Lee/Reto M. Hilty/Kung-Chung Liu (eds.), Artificial Intelligence & Intellectual Property, Oxford University Press 2021

Dr. Wai Shun Lo is currently General Partner of DL Capitals (點亮資本), an angel investment fund focusing on disruptive and exponential technologies. He is also Adjunct faculty of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (MSc/Entrepreneurship/ IT Management, EMBA/Innovation, OneMBA/Entrepreneurship), and Visiting Professor of PKU (School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship).

His expertise and current interests include Intellectual Property Commercialization, Business Models Innovation and Technology Transfer.

His previous experience includes positions with Bell Labs, Cable & Wireless Innovation, Hong Kong Telecom, and S Venture, an early stage investment company. He had served as Board of Directors for two listed companies in Hong Kong, as panel of assessors of SERAP (Small Entrepreneurs Research Assistance Program), and as Director of the Young Entrepreneurs Development Council.

Dr. Lo was a Senior Researcher at Harvard Business School’s (HBS) Asia-Pacific Research Center. He had conducted many consulting projects for institutions and PE funds such as HK Government (regulatory policy), IFC of World Bank (Investment strategy in China), Intellectual Ventures (Invention Network) and had advised many startups in the past.

He holds BSc and Mphil from CUHK, a Ph.D. from Brown University, and has executive management training from INSEAD.

Dennis Lo is the Director of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, the Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine and Professor of Chemical Pathology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is also the Associate Dean (Research) of the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK. Dennis Lo received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Cambridge and the Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from the University of Oxford.

Following his training at Oxford, he was appointed as the University Lecturer in Clinical Biochemistry and Honorary Consultant Chemical Pathologist at the John Radcliffe Hospital, the teaching hospital of the University of Oxford Clinical School. He was also a Fellow at Green College, Oxford.

Dennis Lo returned to Hong Kong in 1997. In the same year, he discovered the presence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma. His group has since remained at the forefront of this field. His group was the first to report the presence of cell-free fetal RNA and fetal epigenetic markers in maternal plasma and pioneered the use of such markers for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis. Dennis Lo and his colleagues were also the first to show that cell-free fetal nucleic acids in maternal plasma could be used for the noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomy 21 and had devised multiple solutions for this hitherto difficult diagnostic problem, including methods based on plasma RNA-SNP allelic ratios, plasma epigenetic markers, digital PCR and massively parallel DNA sequencing. With the use of massively parallel sequencing and the development of novel bioinformatics strategies, Dennis Lo’s group succeeded at deciphering a genome-wide genetic map of the fetus through the analysis of the small amounts of fragmented DNA floating in the blood of pregnant women. This scientific achievement lays the foundation for developing non-invasive prenatal diagnostic tests for multiple genetic diseases in a non-invasive way.

In the area of cancer detection, Dennis Lo has pioneered a number of approaches to cancer liquid biopsy, especially for the detection of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and genomewide approaches for screening multiple types of cancer.

In recognition of his work, Dennis Lo has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the King Faisal International Prize in Medicine in 2014, the Future Science Prize – Life Science Prize in 2016 and the 2021 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences. He was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2011, as a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences in 2013 and as a Founding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong in 2015.

Assistant Director of HKU ICB, Doctor of Public Administration from University of Hong Kong, Master of Business Administration from University of Cambridge, UK, with research focus on collaborative innovation

Dr Ma holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Cambridge and a doctorate in Public Administration from the University of Hong Kong. His research interests include collaborative governance for triple helix innovation, market-driven innovation, technology commercialization and knowledge transfer. He was the Department Head of Innovation and Management at ICB, and is currently the Assistant Director of ICB with strategic focus on knowledge transfer for triple helix innovation through collaboration in university-industry-government network.

In addition to his research and teaching in academia, Dr. Ma has over 20 years of industry sector experience in innovation marketing and strategy management in the Asia Pacific region, with a few global innovation & technology firms including GE, 3M and DuPont. He has also lived and worked in several cities in the Greater China region and received executive trainings at the GE Jack Welch Leadership Center in New York and the National Academy of Governance in Beijing.

At GE, Dr. Ma led the Asia Pacific team to build an innovative business platform (high tech materials market for sports products), which then became a new growth driver for GE Advanced Materials. During his tenure at DuPont, he led the Asia Pacific golf business and market-driven innovation projects in collaboration with several international brands to commercialize the world’s first Bio-based Renewable Thermoplastic Material Technology for golf cores (rubber replacement for ESG impact). The global project created a blue ocean market (more than three times the size of the original market worldwide) and a collaborative innovation ecosystem for the entire golf ball market segment. This project was then received the DuPont Asia Pacific Innovation Marketing Award for its creative business model along with innovative technology.

He is committed to the educational philosophy of ” Sapientia et Virtus (which conveys the application of knowledge to the necessities of life, subject to moral restraints)”.

At Nanyang Law, Yi Neng is involved in both contentious and non-contentious work across a wide range of practice areas, including Intellectual Property (IP), commercial and corporate law, and civil litigation. Yi Neng has around 10 years of experience in handling a diverse portfolio of cases involving contractual disputes, employment disputes, Intellectual Property disputes and other commercial matters for both individuals and companies, whilst ensuring the highest standards of work and professionalism for his clients. Yi Neng is well versed in handling Trademark Oppositions/Revocations before the courts, and also facilitates cost-effective resolutions through alternative dispute resolution outside the courtroom. Yi Neng regularly provides advice on effective brand management strategy and enforcement in the current dynamic business landscape.

Dr. Fang Qi has represented clients in all stages of patent, trade secret, trademark, copyright and antitrust litigation. Fang has extensive experience working with electronics, telecommunication, new energy, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, consumer goods, and manufacturing companies. A number of Fang’s cases have been selected as annual leading or top ten cases by the Supreme Court, the regional high courts and the State Intellectual Property Office. Fang is a frequent speaker on  various  intellectual  property and  antitrust issues and co-author of the treatise “Intellectual Property Rights in China” (Westlaw, Business Laws of China). Fang was named as one of the 100 top attorneys by China Business Law Journal and recommended by Chambers, China Law and Practice and Asialaw as a leading lawyer in the intellectual property litigation.

Fang graduated from Columbia Law School, where he was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar and articles editor of the Columbia Science and Technology Law Review.

Cindy is a Senior Partner, Lawyer and Patent Attorney of Beijing Long An Law Firm. She holds a Master’s degree in computer science from Tsinghua University, a Master’s degree in law from Chicago-Kent College of Law, USA, and an in-service doctor from China University of Political Science and Law. She used to be an expert in the intellectual property case base of the Supreme People’s Court and an Asian chair of International Trademark Association (INTA) LRC. She is currently the co-chair of American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Women in IP Law Global Networking Event, a Lecturer of Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA), a part-time tutor from China University of Political Science and Law, and the director of the intellectual property professional committee of Beijing Chaoyang Lawyers Association.

With over 20 years’ experience in IP practice, Ms. Quan is adept at patent invalidation and litigation. Proficient in Chinese, English and Japanese, she has also been recognized as one of the first batch of foreign-related lawyers by the Ministry of Justice. Quan has represented thousands of patent and trademark applications, hundreds of patent and trademark reexaminations, invalidation and infringement cases for famous companies at home and abroad. The cases she represented have been selected as “The Summary of the Judgment of the Intellectual Property Court of the Supreme People’s Court” and “The 14 Typical Cases Concluded by the Intellectual Property Courts of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou” of the Supreme Court, etc. She has repeatedly been selected as “Top 10 Patent Lawyers”, “Top 10 Trademark Lawyers” and “Top 10 IP Barristers” by China IP Forum, and was recognized as ” 2022 Top 15 Female Lawyers” by ALB.

Professor Mai Har Sham has been Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research) and Choh-Ming Li Professor of Biomedical Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) since 2020. Professor Sham obtained her BSc and MPhil in Biology at CUHK. She was awarded a Croucher Foundation Scholarship and pursued her PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge, U.K. She received her postdoctoral training in Developmental Genetics at the National Institute for Medical Research in London before joining The University of Hong Kong (HKU), where she later became Assistant Dean (Research), Head of the Department of Biochemistry, Director of the Centre for Reproduction Development and Growth in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, and the Associate Vice-President (Research) of HKU. Professor Sham promoted not only excellent research, but also dedicated to medical and science curriculum development. She led the design and establishment of the first Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences curriculum in Hong Kong.

As PVC (Research) in CUHK, Professor Sham oversees the strategic development of research and innovation, entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer and research impact in the University. She provides leadership to research institutes and centres, fostering interdisciplinary research and collaboration with academic and industrial partners in strategic research areas. She is in charge of research support services for technology transfer, intellectual property management, start-ups and commercialization platforms to translate research and knowledge into societal impact. Professor Sham is responsible for the administration of research fundings, including university-wide funding schemes to support research equipment and facilities, interdisciplinary group research projects, research talents and partnership with international institutions. She also oversees matters relating to research policies, research data management, ensuring best practices in compliance, research ethics and integrity in the University.

Professor Sham is a Governing Board member of the World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation (WCRIF) and was the Co-Chair for the 6th World Conference on Research Integrity in 2019. Working together with the international consortium, she promotes responsible conduct of research and good science in universities and research institutions.

As a developmental geneticist, Professor Sham leads a research team focusing on the molecular mechanisms of mammalian development and human congenital disorders. Her research covers areas of gene regulation and molecular signaling, craniofacial and hearing disorders, genetic bases and mutant mouse models of rare human diseases, stem cells, and tissue regeneration. She is currently the President of the Hong Kong Society for Developmental Biology. She serves as an Associate Editor for Gene Expression Patterns and an Editor for Cell and Bioscience.

Ernest is an English Barrister who practised at the Bar in London.  Ernest has over fifteen years of experience in Higher Education and has taught in China, London, Malaysia and Singapore. He has received two Lord Dearing Awards (Excellence in Teaching 2017 and Excellence in Educational Leadership 2020) from the University of Nottingham and the Zhejiang Municipal Excellent Teacher Award (2018). Ernest is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom. He is an examiner for several institutions, including the University of London. He has extensive experience in university administration and held the title of ‘Campus Senior Tutor’ at the University of Nottingham, where he was responsible for student engagement, welfare and experience. He has experience in instructing management of organisations in legal training as part of executive education programmes. Ernest is currently completing his PhD at Hong Kong University in Artificial Intelligence, and Intellectual Property Law, supervised by Professor Yahong LI.

Dr. Sun received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Fudan University and his PhD from Columbia University in the United States. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Columbia University Alumni Association in Shanghai and is an admissions interviewer for Columbia University. He is a CFA holder and serves on the Board of Directors of the CFA Society of Shanghai and was the President of the Society in 2016-2017. Dr. Sun was the Director of Asset Design at a leading financial technology and internet wealth management platform in China. He was responsible for product planning, product introduction and product design; extensive collaboration with banks, brokerages, funds and third party institutions.

Benjamin TSOU has worked on computational linguistics, including Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Translation (MT) for more than 40 years. He led two projects under the HK Judiciary to produce bilingual court judgements after 1997 and subsequently worked on bilingual patent processing. His group was a main contributor to the international Chinese-English patent MT competition in Tokyo (2009). His current work, supported by HK’s ITC, focuses on AI and MT Post-Editing and draws on a massive database of 300,000 bilingual patents cultivated since 2007. He is the Founder of Chilin (HK) Ltd, Emeritus Chair Professor of the City University of Hong Kong and the founding President of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing. Dr. Tsou is a graduate of Harvard University and UC Berkeley, and among his many publications is the Common Latin Terms in Hong Kong Legal Language 《香港法律語言常見拉丁辭彙》 (Hong Kong City University Press, 2021).

Prof. TSUI Kwok-Wing Stephen (徐國榮) is currently a professor in the School of Biomedical Sciences and directors of the Hong Kong Bioinformatics Centre and the Centre for Microbial Genomics and Proteomics in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). In 1995, he received his Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry at CUHK and his thesis is related to the study of the human genome. He was then appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Biochemistry Department in 1997 and promoted to the full professorship in 2004. He was a former member of the International HapMap Consortium and worked on the single nucleotide polymorphisms of human chromosome 3p. During the SARS outbreak in 2003, his team was one of the earliest teams that cracked the complete genome of the SARS-coronavirus. Totally, he has published more than 230 scientific papers in international journals, including Nature, Nature Machine Intelligence, New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, PNAS, Circulation, Hepatology, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Allergy, Genome Biology and Nucleic Acids Research. He is very interested in bioinformatics, comparative genomics and molecular biology of clinical pathogens including human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, influenza virus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Most recently, he cracked the genome, transcriptome and microbiome of several dust mite species, which can be linked to the house dust mite allergy.

Wang Hu, Co-Founder of Macau CIEX Innovation Capital Trading Center, director of Guangdong XIEHE Intellectual Property Mediation Center, has the qualifications of lawyer, patent agent, and securities practitioner. He obtained a master’s degree in engineering and finance from Sun Yat-sen University. In 2009, he was selected as one of the “100 High-level Intellectual Property Talents” of the State Intellectual Property Office, and served as a distinguished expert of the Intellectual Property Case Guidance Base of the Supreme People’s Court (2017-2019), vice president of Guangdong Intellectual Property Protection Association, executive director of Intellectual Property Research Association of Guangdong Law Society, master tutor of intellectual property of South China University of Technology, master tutor of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, member of the Guangdong Provincial Government Legal Education Lecturer Team, and member of the Hong Kong Innovation – Knowledge Enterprise Evaluation Expert Group. Director of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Home Furnishing Industry Intellectual Property Rights Protection Committee, member of the Intellectual Property Expert Committee of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou City, Foshan City, Dongguan City and other places, etc. With more than 20 years of experience in the intellectual property industry, he has represented hundreds of intellectual property cases for dozens of enterprises, is familiar with intellectual property litigation and non-litigation legal affairs, and has rich practical experience in the protection and application of intellectual property rights in the fields of patents, computer software, and technical secrets.

Alice is a practicing solicitor in Hong Kong. Alice focuses her practice on a variety of intellectual property transactions and contentious matters, bringing a thorough knowledge within the field of healthcare and life sciences to her work in guiding clients.

Alice has worked closely with clients from start-ups to listed companies and developed a strong passion for serving healthcare and technology-driven businesses on their commercial and operational front, be it their daily operations, IP commercialization, strategic planning, or disputes. As a pragmatic problem solver, she always strives to find effective solutions for her clients.

She has a wealth of contentious and non-contentious practices in areas including technology transfer, licensing, contract negotiation and review, research or business collaborations, clinical trials, joint ventures, equity financing, stock option and share schemes, product supply and distribution, patent and trademark filings and management, IP due diligence, IP infringement, counterfeiting, employment, and data protection.

Alice obtained her Bachelor of Science, Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Juris Doctor and P.C.LL. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Before joining the legal profession, Alice had engaged in research in the field of molecular biology and protein science for more than 7 years and had worked as an Intellectual Property Specialist for another 7 years with a focus on biotechnology and healthcare inventions.

Alice has published articles discussing IP and regulatory issues in the areas of stem cells, natural products, genomic medicine, foods and biosimilars and is a frequent speaker at IP seminars sharing practical IP tips and legal insights with researchers and start-ups. She is also a lecturer on IP and related topics in the School of Life Sciences at the CUHK since 2016 and a Registered Laboratory Medical Technologist in Hong Kong.

Ms. Amy Wong was the first Macao resident to become a China Mainland lawyer after the implementation of the CEPA policy,  qualified to practice law in the Special Economic Zone of Zhuhai city since 2005 and has been engaged in Intellectual Property work and cross-border legal services since that time. She is the only China member of the ADR Standing Committee of AIPPI . Further she has been selected into various governmental talent pool campaigns , including the “1,000-person” foreign-related leading talent pool of the Ministry of Justice, the National overseas Intellectual Property Property Dispute Guidance Experts, and the Guangdong Overseas Intellectual Property Protection talent pool.

Memberships & Associations

Member, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Guangdong Lawyers Association

President,  Chinese Mainland-Macao-Portuguese-speaking Countries Legal Service Alliance

-Chairwoman, Macau Intellectual Property Research Association

Executive Vice President, Macau Innovation and Invention Association

President,  Macau Trademark Association

-President of Macau Victory Group International

Director of Operations, FC Law Firm in Macau

Since 2017, Ying WU  has served as a consultant of Tus-Hui (Shanghai) Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd. He is the first founding President of Zhanjiang Marine Economy Innovation and Development Promotion Association, and Specially appointed a an  innovation mentor of COSCO SHIPPING Guangzhou Haishang Pearl Science and Technology Park, (a central enterprise)

Mr. Ying WU has been engaged in scientific and technological innovation incubation and investment management for many years, and  has accumulated rich practical experience in enterprise innovation management, and an expert at organizing transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements.

In 1992, he graduated from the Department of Material Economics and Management of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, and was assigned to work in the General Manager’s office of Zhejiang Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Company, a national large-scale material circulation enterprise, and later participated in the establishment of the respective Zhuhai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou companies.

Since 2011, he has been the Head of the Secretariat and Expert Committee of the Guangdong Association for the Promotion of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and has participated in the research on the protection and development of small and medium-sized enterprise patents.

From 2016, he has successively served as the Director of Innovation and Development of TusPark (Beijing) Science and Technology Park Operation Management Co., Ltd., the operating unit of Tsinghua Science Park, and the general manager and chairman of Zhanjiang TusPark Operation and Management Co., Ltd.

He also serves as a long-term consultant of Tus-Hui (Shanghai) Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd., an innovative investment platform for the Science and Technology Park sector of Tus-Holdings.

He is also the General Manager of Guangzhou Tus-China Overseas Science and Technology Park, a joint venture between COSCO SHIPPING and TusHoldings.

In 2020, Mr Ying WU served as the first founding President of Zhanjiang Marine Economy Innovation and Development Promotion Association.

In 2022, he also served as the Minister of Industry of Guangdong Institute of Corrosion and Science and Technology Innovation.

Mr Xie’s major practice areas include intellectual property disputes, antitrust and competition law, and consultancy for hi-tech companies. He has gained a high reputation in these areas with his solid academic background, government experience and professional dedication. He is winner of the first Outstanding Achievement Award at the 1st Science & Technology Law Awards from the National Office for Science & Technology Awards; Beijing’s Top 10 Intellectual Property Lawyers elected by the Beijing Bar Association, Chambers Band 1 Leading Individual, Managing Intellectual Property IP Star, and has been consistently acclaimed as top practitioner in Legal 500 and other league tables in intellectual property and antitrust fields. Clients have found him “very strategic, experienced and responsive” and have praised him for his “standout presentation, attention to detail and sound advocacy skills.”

Mr Xie’s advisory activities in the technology industry include providing long term legal services to many notable multi-national enterprises and institutions including Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Samsung, Tetra Pak, Heinz, Solvay, Trend Micro, Tencent, Xiaomi, VIVO, DJI, China Unicom, PICC, China National Publications Import and Export (Group) Corporation, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC), and others.

Mr Xie has successfully represented clients in many important IP cases:
For trademark disputes, he successfully helped Gome to obtain a declaration that “Gome” was a well-known trademark; he helped China’s biggest property insurance company to claim the domain name “PICC”; he managed Danone China’s trademark disputes with “Wahaha”; and he handled “The Voice of China” disputes.
For patent disputes, Mr Xie has successfully acted in Samsung v. Huawei, Midea v. Gree, Sogou v. Baidu, Xiaomi v. Coolpad, a case in which a transnational company claimed major damages for a series of core patent infringements; and a case involving a well-known telecom corporation for billions of RMB in royalties.

In copyright actions, he has, among other things, successfully defended a famous Taiwanese finance software company against accusations of infringement before the Supreme People’s Court; represented Yahoo in managing MP3 infringement disputes with international record companies; and represented a number of international software companies to claim damages in various litigations. In anti-unfair competition actions, he represented a listed company in a trade secret infringement case to claim RMB 100 million in damages; represented a US and EU based wind power company to claim almost RMB 3 billion damages for the misappropriation of trade secrets; represented an electronic appliance company in a dispute over a company name and trademarks; handled a competition case arising from the movie Lost in Thailand; and resolved a dispute relating to the false advertisement by

For antitrust matters, he participated in a number of influential merger control filings; participated in the NDRC’s antitrust investigations into LCD panels, milk powder, IDC, the automobile industry, Qualcomm chips, roll-roll, Maersk container shipping cases, and memory chips. He successfully handled China’s first anti-trust lawsuit representing CNC; represented Qihoo 360 in the second instance of the antitrust case against Tencent (which was the first antitrust case heard by the Supreme People’s Court); and defended TETRA PAK in an abuse of dominant market position case (China’s first antitrust case filed after an administrative penalty decision).
Mr. Xie has extensive experience in the intersection of intellectual property and competition, particularly in the area of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs), where he has been fully involved in many leading cases, including the earlier Qualcomm cases, HDMI, Dolby and IDG cases, the later SEP injunction and rate-setting disputes in the mobile phone area, such as Samsung v. Huawei series cases, Xiaomi v. IDG series cases, Samsung v. Ericsson series cases, VIVO v. Nokia series cases, and Xiaomi v. Huawei, and currently automobile SEP disputes. Mr. Xie was deeply involved in many SEP licensing negotiations. He participated, as legal expert, in several legislative projects in the area.

Mr Xie once worked with the Policy and Legislation Division of the State Science and Technology Commission and the State Council Intellectual Property Conference Office, where he participated in the drafting and revision of state intellectual property and technology legislation and policies. He participated in bilateral IP negotiations with the US, Japan, the EU and Russia. From 1999 to 2002, he was Director of Huake Judicial Examination Centre for Intellectual Property, an appraisal institution established with the approval of the Ministry of Justice, where he was responsible for providing a great number of advisory and appraisal opinions on complicated IP cases to the Supreme People’s Court and other courts. He founded Lifang & Partners in 2002.

Rong Xie’s practice involves patent and trademark prosecution, patent interference, technology transfer, IP-related business transactions and cross-the-border investments. Over the years, he has advised clients in various industries including automotive electronics system, building material, construction, chemistry, fashion and software.  He also assists in teaching IP classes at CUNY law school by preparing course materials and giving lectures. 

Mr. Xie has a bachelor’s degree of law from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (formerly known as “Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade”) (Shanghai, China), a master’s degree of law from Washington University in St. Louis (Missouri, U.S.), and a master degree of science in computer science from Pace University (New York, U.S.).  He is licensed to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the State of New York, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.

Mr Kevin Yeung is currently the Associate Director of the HKU ICB.   Besides academic management, he teaches Brand Strategy, Intelligent Marketing and Marketing Communications in Mainland China.  Mr Yeung’s experience and research interests focus on AI in marketing, experience management and brand leadership. In recent years, he has been frequently invited to Hong Kong and the Mainland to provide internal training for major companies such as Belle Group, Estee Lauder, Watsons, etc.  He has also provided consulting services for many large enterprises and government agencies before joining the HKU ICB, including Jusco, Bossini, Sun Hung Kai, Hongkong Post Office, Light Railway, South China Sports Association, etc. Before joining HKU ICB, Mr. Yeung taught in the Department of Marketing and International Business at Lingnan University for ten years, teaching subjects such as advertising, public relations and research methods. During that time, he provided consultancy services to many large corporations and government agencies, including Jusco, Bossini, Sun Hung Kai, Hongkong Post, Light Railway and South China Sports Association, etc. He was also involved in the image renovation of the Bank of Communication’s Shanghai head office and the promotion of the Hong Kong branch’s corporate identity project. He was also in charge of the first and second “Mooncake for the Community” direct sales programme at The Community Chest of Hong Kong, which was so popular that it is still held annually.  Mr. Yeung also worked for PCCW, one of the top five telecommunications companies in Hong Kong, specialising in business customer retention.

Ms. Cody Yip is the Associate Principal Consultant of Intellectual Property Management in the funding schemes division in Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). Her role involves advising on various aspects of Intellectual Property (IP) protection and the implementation of Patent Application Grant (PAG). Prior to joining HKPC, she has extensive experience in devising strategies and delivering solutions for patent management and cross-border enforcement within a multinational enterprise. She was involved in numerous business advisory projects to support the research and development and guide the commercialization of innovations. Additionally, she was a Chinese patent agent in a prestige patent firm, specializing in managing global patent application processes across diverse technology domains. Before starting her patent practice, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the National Centre for Scientific Research in France. 

Peter K. Yu (余家明) is Regents Professor of Law and Communication and Director of the Center for Law and Intellectual Property at Texas A&M University. He previously held the Kern Family Chair in Intellectual Property Law at Drake University Law School and was Wenlan Scholar Chair Professor at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law in Wuhan, China. He served as a visiting professor of law at Bocconi University, Hanken School of Economics, Hokkaido University, Tel Aviv University, the University of Haifa, the University of Helsinki, the University of Hong Kong, the University of Strasbourg and Washington and Lee University. He also founded the nationally renowned Intellectual Property & Communications Law Program at Michigan State University, at which he held faculty appointments in law, communication arts and sciences, and Asian studies. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Professor Yu is a leading expert in international intellectual property and communications law. He also writes and lectures extensively on international trade, international and comparative law, and the transition of the legal systems in China and Hong Kong. A prolific scholar and an award-winning teacher, he is the author or editor of nine books and more than 200 law review articles and book chapters. He is Vice-President and Co- Director of Studies of the American Branch of the International Law Association and has served as the general editor of The WIPO Journal published by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). He is an elected member of the American Law Institute. Professor Yu has spoken at events organized by WIPO, the World Trade Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Chinese, EU and U.S. governments and at leading research institutions from around the world. His lectures and presentations have spanned over 30 countries on six continents. He is a frequent commentator in the national and international media. His publications have appeared in Chinese and English and have been translated into Arabic, French, Hausa, Japanese, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish and Vietnamese.

Keynote Speakers:

Prof. Dongmin CHENExecutive Director, Guangdong Songshan Lake Materials Lab
Prof. Peter YURegents Professor of Law and Communication and Director of the Center for Law and Intellectual Property, Texas A&M University School of Law

Speakers / Moderators:

Dr. Robert ALDERSONPartner, United States and European Patent Attorney, International Client Relations, Berggren Oy
Dr. Albert Wai-Kit CHANFounder & Director, USCIPI
Dr. Roy CHANExecutive and Scientific Adviser, Albert Wai-Kit Chan Intellectual Property Limited
Mr. Johnny, Ka Lok CHANAssociate, Long An & Lam LLP
Mr. Daniel CHENPartner, HK Patent & Trademarks Agent Ltd
Mr. Yao DENGSecretary General, AIIPS
Mr. Alain Ke DONGFounding Partner, IPwell Law Firm
Mr. Winfred FANCEO, Anywhere Networks
Mr. Bin FENGDeputy General Manager, Hainan International Intellectual Property Exchange
Prof. Danny FRIEDMANNAssociate Professor, Peking University School of Transnational Law, Shenzhen
Prof. Steven GALLAGHERAssociate Dean (Academic and Student Affairs) & Professor in Practice of Law, CUHK LAW
Prof. Stuart HARGREAVESAssociate Professor, CUHK LAW
Ms. Amanda Yue HEIP Manager, Techtronic Product Development Ltd.
Prof. Tianxiang HEAssociate Professor, City University of Hong Kong School of Law
Mr. Simon HOFounder and CEO, wowCreative Workshop
Dr. Hui HUANGSenior Partner, Wanhuida Peksung IP Group
Dr. Song HUANGDeputy Director for Administration, National Institute of Biological Science, Beijing
Prof. Shangzhou JIExecutive Dean of the Yangtze River Delta Financial Research Institute & Associate Professor, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
Mr. Robert D. KATZPartner, Kinect Law
Ms. Candy LAMDirector, Legal & Business Affairs, Asia Pacific Warner Chappell Music
Mr. Johnson LAMPresident, AIIPS; Partner, LongAn & Lam LLP
Mr. Timothy, Chee-Yau LAMPartner, Long An & Lam LLP
Prof. Jyh-An LEEProfessor and Executive Director, Centre for Legal Innovation & Digital Society (CLINDS), CUHK LAW
Mr. Tomson LEEFounder, FuTak Business Ltd.
Mr. Vincent, Lok Tung LEEExecutive Director, IABFM Greater China
Dr. Wei-Ning LEEAssociate Professor, HKU Faculty of Engineering
Ms. Jingwen LIUPhD Candidate, CUHK LAW
Mr. Leo Zengjian LIUSenior Partner, Macao Victory Group International; Co-Founder, International Tech-transfer Service Alliance (Macao)
Mr. Xiaoming LIUDirector & Managing Partner, Beijing Long An Law Firm
Mr. Deven LOCEO, B.Y. Quantitative Medicine
Dr. Wai-Shun LOGeneral Partner, DL Capitals
Prof. Bryan MERCURIOSimon F.S. Li Professor of Law, CUHK LAW
Prof. Eliza MIKAssistant Professor, CUHK LAW
Ms. Joyce NGManaging Director and Chief Investment Officer, CUHK Innovation Limited
Mr. Alan POONFounder, Azu Co. Lab
Mr. Freeman, Jia Ou SHENAssociate, Long An & Lam LLP
Dr. Sylvia SONGFounder & Managing Partner, HK Patent & Trademarks Agent Ltd
Mr. Ernest SOUTHWORTHProfessional Consultant, CUHK LAW
Prof. Dicky TSANGAssociate Professor, CUHK LAW
Prof. Runhua WANGAssociate Professor, University of Science and Technology Beijing
Prof. Lutz-Christian WOLFFDean and Wei Lun Professor of Law, CUHK LAW
Dr. Alice Yuen-Ting WONGAssociate, Loeb & Loeb LLP
Mr. Rong XIECEO, Fuxion Intellectual Property Consulting Co., Ltd.
Mr. Sheng YANFounder and CEO, Patent Alliance Innovation Fund
Ms. Qian YINPhD Candidate, CUHK LAW
Ms. Ying YINGPartner, Tahota Law Firm
Mr. Wellsey YUFounder, Wellsy Business Consultancy LLC (Singapore)
Ms. Yaohong ZHANGPartner, Tahota Law Firm
Ms. Wen ZOUPartner, Fangda Partners