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Mr. Nelson TONG

Mr. Nelson TONG – Director, International Intangible Assets Institute Limited

Mr. Nelson Tong is a venture financing consultant / business advisor. Mr. Tong has 5+ years of experience in pro forma financial statement, early-stage venture valuation, and business plan development. He has been involved in several venture financing and medical device licensing transactions, managing clients from first contact to closing. Mr. Tong was a founding team member of 2 B2B startups offering solutions in managing innovation portfolio for early-stage ventures and tracking drug prescriptions for pharmaceutical marketing. He is a founding director of International Intangible Assets Institute – a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting innovation and fostering entrepreneurial ecosystem in order to support creation and growth of new ventures

Before 2016, Mr. Tong spent 8+ years in biotechnology industry. He was the head of bioinformatics at a NIGMS-funded consortium providing biotechnology and pharmaceutical firms with critical structural genomics services (e.g., protein production, target selection, and protein structure determination). Nelson has worked with the Protein Data Bank to improve data management of three-dimensional structural data of protein targets important to new drug discovery. While working as a team member of a NIEHS-funded consulting group, Mr. Tong contributed to building data science / machine learning pipeline and physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for assessing human exposure to environmental toxins.

Mr. Tong received his M.B.A. from Rutgers Business School with triple concentrations in Finance, Entrepreneurship, and Business Strategy. He was awarded with 2 M.S. in Biostatistics and Systems Engineering from Rutgers Graduate School, and he authored a digital health research thesis on applying systems science to analyze deep brain stimulation and brain-wave biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease. As a New Jersey Outstanding Scholar, Mr. Tong earned his B.S. in Biological Sciences and Chemical Engineering from Rutgers School of Engineering. Nelson is currently pursuing the CFA charter with CFA Level II exam passed.