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Prof. Lutz-Christian WOLFF

Prof. Lutz-Christian WOLFF – Dean of the Faculty of Law and Wei Lun Professor of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. Lutz-Christian Wolff is Wei Lun Professor of Law and Dean of the Faculty of Law at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. After several years of studying, doing research and working in Shanghai, Taipei, Düsseldorf, Beijing, New York and Frankfurt he has been based in Hong Kong since 1999. Prof. Wolff specializes in Chinese and international business law, private international law and comparative law. His most recent work includes: The Law of Cross-border Business Transactions – Concepts, Principles, Skills, 2nd ed. (2017); Mergers & Acquisitions in China – Law and Practice, 5th ed. (2015); From a ‘Small Phrase with Big Ambitions’ to a Powerful Driver of Contract Law Unification? – China’s Belt and Road Initiative and the CISG -, 34 (Part 1) Journal of Contract Law (2017), 50; AI ante portas – the End of Comparative Law?, Vol. 7/2 The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (2019), 484; The Relationship between Contract Law and Property Law, Vol. 7/3 Common Law World Review (2020), 31. Prof. Wolff is also the editor of China Outbound Investments (2011 – Chinese translation 2012) and co-editor (with Prof. Xi Chao) of Legal Dimensions of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (2016).